
Thursday, 11 June 2015

Aerial Conditioning at Home


I have since changed my views on flexibility conditioning. You can read more about that here. I will leave this video up for the strength conditioning but I will be writing a guide on conditioning for aerial arts at home.


I made this video for my students so that they had a general idea of how to condition their bodies for Aerial Dance while at home, in between classes.

These are suggestions, but obviously it is important to consult with your doctor before taking on any training program. 

Some important notes on training at home:

1) Drink lots of water. It is easy to forget about this in a comfortable setting like your house! Stay hydrated!

2) If anything hurts, STOP. Obviously exercise can cause some discomfort, but you should be able to tell normal muscle fatigue or discomfort from stretching ..and actual pain. If you experience dizziness, light-headedness, or shortness of breath- stop and rest. If it persists along with other symptoms like chest pain or pain down the arm it's time to visit an emergency room.

3) It helps to have something cushiony under you like a yoga mat or thick carpet.

4) Do all of the suggested reps and sets! Don't give in to the temptation of longer rest periods or improper technique because you are alone! (That being said, refer back to note #2)

5) After training try to ingest some sort of protein within 30 minutes after your workout. Also remember to take adequate rest between workouts. These along with staying hydrated will contribute to a quicker muscle recovery time.

One thing I didn't add to the video was WARMING UP. This is the MOST IMPORTANT THING. You should do some cardio or dynamic warm-up exercises to increase your internal body temperature. This has been proven to prevent injury and lead to a more effective work-out. I generally try to warm-up for 15-20 minutes before doing any conditioning. You could do an aerobic workout from the 80's! You could jog for 20 minutes! However you do it, just get your heart pumping and your muscles contracting!

Also Pull-Ups.... lot's of pull ups. Invest in a door-frame pull-up bar, go to a local park with monkey bars, use the assisted pull up machine at your gym. 

There are also multiple resources on my resource page that you can use for training at home. I suggest you take a look!!

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